We invite you to share your Savior.org experiences with us by emailing us. People committed to prayer, the sacraments and Eucharistic adoration often experience the spiritual and physical healing effects of God’s grace. It is our hope that through your testimonies, others will draw strength and encouragement to spend more of their daily lives with our Lord in prayer and adoration.
I am a catholic living in Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates in the middle east. Being an Islamic kingdom, freedom of worship for non-Islamic religions is pretty limited. We just have just two churches in the entire state and so there is virtually no place where public verneration of the Eucharist can happen on a daily basis. Therefore you have no idea how extremely joyous and comforting is your ministry of bringing a live picture of the Blessed Sacrament over the internet to us here. Even as I humbly adore my saviour from my tiny apartment, my heart fills with emotion and gratitude. Thank you for all your efforts. I have no doubt that it is Jesus Himself who has given you this concept and the grace to sustain it. Make no mistake, every single one of you involved… great will be your place in His kingdom. I bless you for your love for Jesus and your love which flows out to thousands of souls like me through your most holy ministry. Great work! Pray unceasingly and keep going. My humble prayers are with you all. May Jesus bless you and reveal Him in all His splendour to you each.
Tena from Dubai, UAE
Dear sisters, I happened upon your perpetual adoration site through another like-minded link. It is so wonderful to have access to the Divine Presence on the Internet. Many will be like me: an invalid, marginalised, rarely able to hear Mass. Low and behold your monstrance appears on our screens with many rich devotions to worship God. You are being Jesus’ link. You facilitate my adoration to him directly from my bed at home. Thank you a thousand times over! To pray for intentions is all important but with gifts of grace that lead us to worship, you have provided a whole selection for our choosing. God bless you in this, as in all your efforts particularly toward young people who are seeking and yearning so passionately. I praise you and reverence you in this mission. I bless you for the prosperity in abundance.
Lyn from Australia
I know that this will sound crazy, but I guess I should start from the beginning. Tonight was the first time I prayed my rosary in front of Jesus online. Right after I finished saying the rosary. I saw a distinct face. I can still see his eyes, crown of thorns, nose and beard. I cannot explain it, but I guess he must be very pleased with your work. I am not crazy. I do go adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in person where I live, but just wanted to pray in front of him at home tonight on your site rather than not adoring him at all. When I came to write to you I still saw his face. I will be telling many other people about what a blessing your site is to all around the world.
Love in Christ,
Cindy from Alabama
Thank you very much for this wonderful site. I always wanted to be close to God in the wonderful Blessed Sacrament. But due to my work timings I could not frequently visit the Blessed Sacrament and I am unable to attend mass daily as being Indian, I live in Kuwait. But thanks to the almighty God for this website “savior.org” now I know I can say my prayers daily in the presence of the Lord. Thank you very much.
Regards Maria (Kuwait)
I am a soldier at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and I have been praying for an answer to my need to have access to the Blessed Sacrament in my home. It has always been my dream to live with the Lord in my home, and now it is possible to experience his presence each day because of this unique ministry. I don’t know how I can help your organization flourish other than to offer my prayers. I’m not a wealthy man, but I love God and thank you for putting this ministry together for Him. Amen.
Mark from North Carolina
I am a full-time caregiver for my Mom who is very ill. She does not have much time left. Of course, she cannot be left alone. I was so excited when I clicked on the chapel link at CatholicExchange.com and Savior.org came up. Here is my opportunity to spend time with Jesus and also receive the Grace I need to care for Mom until the end. Of course, I intend to continue visiting this site. Thank you for this in my time of need.
Elizabeth from Alabama
When I read my daily readings and pray, I like to have this page open. It gives me a calm and just like at church I rejoice in being in the presence of my Lord. Thank you for making this available to those of us who are to far from town to attend mass every day or go to church to pray. God hears my prayers either way, I know, but I just love visualizing his presence in adoration. Thank you.
In Christ,
Vickie from Kansas
Love your web site, signed up for the worldwide rosary and I am looking forward to the Divine Mercy page. The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is so beautiful and I enjoy the changes of flowers and background, etc. We live in a rural area and don’t have daily access to the church so this helps me make a visit.
Thanks again.
Mary Jo from Kansas
Thank you, thank you, thank you. At first I didn’t know what it would be like to see Him online, but it is really He, that is immediately perceptible. Thank you! What a strange and wonderful thing. I was myself a little shocked at first, because the computer carries a tone of inherent commercialism and falseness, as does television, and so we think of it as entirely within the realm of human social communication. But the Lord was really present. There was no question about that. If He can bear to be broadcast by this means — and He longs so to visit us in intimacy, so it probably is His idea in the first place — and if we can see His appearance in so mundane a context as the computer as a witness to the magnificence of His humility — then who are we to stand in judgement of Him? He is present to all of our thoughts, whatever their quality, without judgement and with encompassing loving comprehension. If to our thoughts, why not to a mechanism of their transmission?
All the best,
Arianne from New Jersey